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Thoughts & Inspiration

A Christmas Letter

It is December 18th, my last day of work for 2006. As I write this update and reflect on last year I am amazed at all that God has done and all the changes that have taken place. Instead of sitting at the Java House in Nairobi I find myself sitting in a friend’s coffee shop in Gainesville, GA. Who would have thought that this year would bring us back from Africa? But we can say without question that we are exactly where God wants us for this season.

We are still learning how to live back in the United States but, are slowly adjusting our systems to work here at home. We didn’t realize how completely we had adjusted our lives to living in Kibera until we moved home and started to discover how unprepared we were for life here. But God is good and He has proven Himself faithful thus far and we are confident that He will continue to surprise us with His love and care for us.

Although we were sure that moving home was going to be our biggest event of the year; the news we received not long ago telling us that there was a little Nelson on the way most definitely won the award for the most life changing news of the year! Yes, you read correctly, Lisa is pregnant and the Doctor says that around June 6th our sweet little child should take his or her first breath outside the womb. If you are wondering whether this little one will be a boy or girl we do not know as of yet and we are still deciding if we will find out our not during our next ultra-sound. Everyone seems to have an opinion as to what is best – find out or wait. We have heard the arguments for both sides and we will take your opinions into careful consideration as we decide what we want to do!!

It is December 18th, tomorrow Lisa and I head off to Seattle for Christmas and then we make our way to San Diego for New Years and finally a quick stop in San Luis Obispo before heading back to Gainesville and the beginning of another year!

We look forward to seeing many of you as we travel along the west coast. We love you and are excited to visit with those of you we aren’t able to see on a regular basis. We only wish we had more time in each place spend bunches of time laughing, hanging out, praying and sharing with all of you.

It is December 18th and I reflect on all the ways that I am truly a blessed man. Let me reflect on just a few of the ways that God has overwhelmingly blessed me as Paul says He will in Ephesians 3:20.

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly

Beyond all that we ask or think,

According to the power that works within us.”

I am so incredibly grateful for an amazing wife who always exceeds my expectations. I thank the Lord daily that He knew I needed a gift far greater than I deserved to truly complete me. 

I am as well blessed that God saw fit to send us this sweet child of His. Please join with us as we pray for safety and health for Lisa and the baby. Please also join with us as we ask for wisdom from the Lord to raise this child in the knowledge and the ways of God.

When I think of this life that God has called me to I am in awe. I am so grateful for the joy that comes from serving God and I am just as grateful for everyone who has chosen to partner with Lisa and me as we serve God together with Adventures In Missions. I know that all of you make significant sacrifices for us both financially and through prayer and we want you to know what a blessing it is to know that you support us.

Our prayer for each of you is that God would overwhelmingly bless each of you and your families this year; that He would draw you even closer to Himself; and that He would pour out even more of His love and faithfulness on your lives this coming year as we have seen in our lives this past year.

We look forward to hearing from each of you,

God Bless and Merry Christmas,

Scott, Lisa and Baby