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Hello from the Nelson’s!

We are in the midst of papers and finals this week! The end of the semester is always so busy, we just hold on for the ride. So, just in case you are wondering where in the world Scott Nelson is, I’ll tell you-he’s in the library 🙂

It has been a full semester and one we have enjoyed. I (Lisa) have continued to lead the wives’ group on campus and this semester we have done Beth Moore’s So Long, Insecurity study. I would highly recommend it! It has been wonderful to learn and grow with these ladies and to have the opportunity to pray together regularly.

Luke is almost done with his first year of school. He loves his teacher and enjoys goingwhich is a blessing, there were a lot of tears the first few months!

He was diagnosed with Amblyopia just before Christmas (has to do with his eyes not tracking properly.) He has begun a treatment which requires him to wear glasses all the time and to wear a patch over his stronger eye 2 hours a day. It was a challenge at first, but he is doing well with it now. At this point he can’t see much when the patch is on. So, we’ve been coming up with fun things to do together – we just finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory and he loved it. I’m sorry that he has to deal with this but thankful for the gift of this time with my boy in the midst of it all!

Scott’s semester ends on May 9th and at that point he will have completed his second year of the MDiv program-yahoo! Only one more year to go 🙂

He is looking for as much work as he can get over the summer. He has a few different options he’s looking into. We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom to choose the best option. Also, if any of you could use a great worker for a portion of the summer let us know!

I (Lisa)haven’t been feeling well since Christmas. The doctors ran a bunch of tests in Dec and Jan looking at my throat, stomach and intestines. There is inflammation present, but no specific disease. That is great, but also leaves me back where I started.   

About 6 weeks ago I started an elimination diet to try to figure out which foods are bothering me. After 2 weeks on a very limited eating plan   I can conservatively say that 80-90 % of my symptoms were completely gone. Please pray that I would be able to identify the culprits quickly and easily-it can be a long drawn out process.

I continue in the midst of this health journey to try to set my eyes on God who is faithful and worthy of praise and thanksgiving. It’s amazing how much better thankfulness makes you feel-it’s a great alternative to feeling sorry for yourself for sure!

Thank you for your prayers and kind words throughout this struggle, they have been a source of strength for me.