Hi friends,
As I write this email, I am sitting in a session with some of our leaders who will shortly be heading out to lead summer mission teams. The last few weeks have been all about getting leaders and teams ready to come to Georgia for training camps and then out into the field for the summer. We have already sent out the first wave of 140 into the field and we have two more groups to send out by the end of the month. Although there is a lot going on right now Lisa and I knew that we really needed to let you guys know what we have been doing and what lies ahead.
Since we last wrote we have been to California, Kenya and Home again. Lisa attended a ministry conference that blessed us tremendously as a family, she as well got her tonsils out which in the long term will be great but in the short term was not fun. Luke is growing fast and just celebrated his second birthday. He is learning to express his needs and wants J A couple weeks ago he took a big tumble and fractured his upper jaw but he is on the mend!
For my part, I want to share a couple things and then Lisa will follow up next week with a family update.
Training Camp
First, the next couple weeks are going to be really busy for me and I selfishly wanted to get an update out so that you all could be in prayer for AIM, me and our family during this time. Although I am in town, I am not really home. I leave around 6am and get home late in the night. It is a great time of ministry and the Lord is so faithful to take care of the needs at home while I am away. I would appreciate your prayers as we train leaders and teams to head out on mission trips this summer.
I would specifically ask for prayer in the following areas:
· Pray for insight as we coach leaders and prepare teams to head out. Pray that as problems are identified we would have wisdom in how to deal with them.
· Pray for the missionaries and pastors that will be receiving these teams. Pray that the teams will be a blessing and would serve and honor them and those that they are ministering with and alongside.
· Pray that Lisa and Luke would do well with little interaction with Husband & Daddy.
· Pray that Scott would have strength, wisdom and a true reliance on the Lord as he invests in these teams.
The other thing that I want to share with you is that AIM has graciously granted us a 3-month sabbatical this summer beginning the second week of July. After almost 12 years of ministry with AIM, we look forward to taking some time to rest and to spend concentrated time with the Lord. I’m sure as we slow down and sit with the Lord, He will lead us places we don’t expect, but we look forward to the journey! We would love to have you join us as we walk through this process; we covet your prayers and insight. We will endeavor to share regularly and invite you into our lives as much as possible. Here are a few things we are praying about:
- As we are in a new season with a young child (and hopefully children!) we are asking the Lord to show us His vision for our family and ministry.
- Scott feels the Lord may be leading him to pursue some further training to sharpen his ministry skills – we are asking the Lord for confirmation and if so, the timing, specific program/school, etc.
- That we would rest in the Lord and wait on His leading during this time.
- We will continue to be a support to the Kenya staff working at the school and the orphanage during this time. Please continue to pray for strength for them as they work in a very demanding location. Also, a praise – we have been fundraising for both ministries and the Lord has faithfully provided some new avenues of funding – whoo-hoo!
You each are such a blessing to us – Thank You!