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10 Hours Left

Just 10 hours left until I get on the plane to head home. I am truly torn. There is nothing in me that wants me to be away from Lisa and Luke for a minute more than i have too but there are so many things left here to do. I know that God is in control and yet I am struggling with leaving things how they are at the moment.

Things with Maureen are still in the air. the family that was willing to take her isn’t a family that we really trust her with. With that option gone we are in a real bind. We did however find a Christian Counsel that is going to come and meet with her and Eva today or tomorrow. Pastor Simon was able to connect us with this lady and she specializes in dealing with troubled girls like Maureen. I sat and talked with him for a couple hours this morning, he is such a wise man of God and I am thankful that he is in my life.

The other thing that he mentioned is that because she is so far behind she might struggle in boarding school. There is a trade school that is run by a local denomination her that works with youth like Maureen the reverend in charge of that school agreed to look at taking Maureen even though she hasn’t finish standard 8 which is their usual requirement. So we are considering this option for her at the moment but we haven’t talked to her about it yet.

There is still alot to do with this situation and many other things that still need attention. I am going to run hard the rest of this day to see what we can get done. I realize in moments like this how little control I have and how deep my trust in God needs to be.

I ask that you will continue to keep all of this in your prayers. one thing that is on my heart is the need for places for girls like Maureen. Kenya needs some homes for troubled girls. please pray with me to see if God wants AIM to take the lead in this area. It is a huge undertaking and so i feel no desire to do this unless it is God who is leading us into this ministry.

more soon,
