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Thoughts & Inspiration

Its 3:37a.m right now and once again I find myself the victim of “jet-lag.” I am sitting in our apartment in Kenya, feet up on the coffee table with my nalgene by my side and my computer on my lap. Jason is lying on the couch on the other side of the room reading a book. It looks like we share the same fate tonight.


The good thing about being awake is that I have time, time to read, time to pray and time to write. Just a few weeks ago I told Lisa that I was wiped out. Not just physically but emotionally as well, I needed a break. There were things I needed to do that I just couldn’t bring myself to do because I didn’t have the emotional margin in my life. Later that week I was talking to my friend Robert and mentioned this same thing, his comment was, “let’s go!” He said, “Buy a ticket we are heading to Mexico.” He made all the arrangements I just got on the plan about two weeks ago and showed up. It was a great trip. I didn’t surf, I didn’t fish, I just rested and spent time with God and with my friend. It was a breath of fresh air that I didn’t think I had time for. But then again, we never do.


Last week was a completely different experience. A couple that I have ministered with for the last 8 years at AIM was coming off staff. God was taking them a different direction. They flew in from New Zealand for the week. A time to process the past, Celebrate what God has done and bring some closure. How do you do that in a week? How do you take years of ministry and bring closure to it? My answer now looking back is that you don’t. You remind each other how amazing God is. You celebrate what He has done. You make it clear that relationship isn’t about being on staff with the same organization. So we renewed friendships, Celebrated the good and the hard times, prayed, and we thanked God for letting us serve Him with friends.


And then it was mother’s day. It was a great day for me. I have both an amazing mother and an amazing wife. I once again find myself blessed beyond measure. Lisa and I stole a few minutes together to share and catch up after the last few busy weeks. Not nearly enough time since I was leaving the next day for Kenya, but the few minute we had were sweet.


And then the next morning I packed up and headed off to Kenya for a week. And that brings us back to where I am now; it’s now 4:01am but the rest of the picture is still the same. Jason is still reading (I thought he would be asleep by now) and as for me, I am still sitting in the same spot with my feet up, nalgene by my side and computer on my lap. The only change is that now there is a pesky mosquito buzzing around me.


So what does this week look like? I am wondering the same thing. I needed to come to check on the school and the orphanage. I also needed to come to do some setup for the trips that will be starting up in September. I wanted to come and to see our Kenyan staff, to encourage them and to see what they needed. But the thing that drew me here more than anything was my desire to see how we can help pick up the pieces after the chaotic election. Now that the papers say things are “getting back to normal.” Now that the government says “the differences are being worked out.” Now that CNN is no longer covering the story I wanted to see for myself how things really are. To see how my friends are really doing. To pray with them, encourage them and to continue to do what I can, what we can to support them. The next few days will be interesting I am sure. I will try and keep my blog updated daily with what is happening.


In the mean time pray that God would direct our steps here. Jason, Denise and I will for sure have a busy week. Pray that we would have wisdom to make the decisions that we need to and insight to know what decisions can wait.


Pray for Lisa as she takes care of Luke without me. He is recovering from being sick so she isn’t getting much sleep or down time right now. And pray for her as she fly’s to California to help her family move into their new house. Pray that our squirmy little boy does great on the airplane. Pray for her safety and that she won’t be afraid. Living in the slums of Africa has taken its toll on her and one area that the enemy likes to attack her in when I am away is with fear. Thanks for battling with me on behalf of my family while I am away. One of my least favorite things these days is being away from them.