
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


It’s been a busy week since we’ve been back and we find we have much to be thankful for…

1. We found out on our arrival home that our house has some mold and we can’t stay there – a bummer, but we’re thankful that:

 a. the Lord has provided a company to clean the mold for us through our very good friend and insurance guy – thanks Peter!

 b. amazing friends ( thanks Barnes’ and William’s!) that have let us crash at their houses and have a great, warm safe place for Luke!

 c. the Lord has given Scott peace and comfort that He will take care of us and give Scott all he needs as head of our family.

2. I (Lisa) had 5 doctor’s appointments this week – whew! So far so good with that, they haven’t found THE cause of my symptoms but they have ruled out a bunch of bad stuff. Also, I had my thyroid checkup and that looks good.

3. Luke is doing well! He is growing and changing so much and we are loving every minute of it. He played “Peek-A-Boo” today for the first time. He finally understands that you are still there :)! He is feeling a little under the weather this weekend with his first cold. He’s sneezing and coughing and generally feeling yucky. Thankfully we didn’t have anything big going on and we have been able to cuddle and love on him for the last 2 days.

So, all in all, things aren’t perfect but we have all – even above and beyond – what we need. Maybe things are perfect, just not how we pictured it!

Here are some new pictures, I hope you enjoy them.

Love, Lisa